Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Don't Miss these Twelve Home Selling Tips

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My clients in Wichita are always asking me what they can do to prepare for a home sale. There are hundreds and hundreds of potential things you could do before a sale, but today I've selected the twelve most important steps for you. This comes from one of our brochures, and we'd be happy to send you one!
  1. Wash your windows. This makes a huge difference, as it lets more natural light into your home. Buyers adore well-lit homes. 
  2. Change the light bulbs. The brighter the bulb, the better.
  3. Wash your light fixtures. These rarely get any attention, but buyers will notice if they're dirty.
  4. Remove all magnets and calendars from the refrigerator. Buyers want to see your home and appliances, not the clutter surrounding them. Clutter detracts attention away from your beautiful home.
  5. Walk in through the front door of your home. You probably never walk in through the front door of your home, but buyers will, so it needs to look nice and clean.
  6. Don't use artificial scents during a showing. A lot of people are allergic to these things. Although they smell nice, not everyone likes the smell and some people will think that you're hiding something unpleasant.
  7. Clean your floors and woodwork. This is just like washing your light fixtures.
  8. Dust like you've never dusted before! Reach crevices you've never dusted before.
  9. Clean and repaint your front door. Be sure that your doorbell is in proper working order!
  10. Get a Swiffer and clear off dust from your ceilings and your fans. Buyers will notice if you have not already.
  11. Clean your stainless steel appliances. Hide those fingerprints!
  12. Get rid of pet stains and odors. We love our pets, but potential buyers do not. Some people are afraid of or allergic to animals, so do whatever you can to make sure your animals are not around during a showing. It's best to make it appear that you don't even own animals.
Just remember that a buyer has already made up their mind 30 seconds after walking into a home. This means that your home has to look absolutely perfect!

To view and print our brochure, click here! 

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